Configuring MySite search center settings for SharePoint 2013
I stumbled over this one the other day and I (luckily) discovered the solution by accident. When configuring MySite in SharePoint 2013 you are prompted to give up the URL for your search center. Now, if you’ve set up an Enterprise Search Center as I’ve done redirecting you to the correct result pages will fail when doing a search from MySite. Leaving you with an “The page you're looking for doesn't exist”-error. (Yes, another of MS meaningful errors). The error you’ll discover is that you’ve most likely entered something like http://theUrlFor/MySearchCenter on the MySite configuration, while it should have been http://theUrlFor/MySearchCenter/pages Problem: When searching from MySite you get “The page you're looking for doesn't exist” Reason: The search URL is wrong and SharePoint cannot find the pages that display the search results. Solution: The solution giving you least headache is to use the SharePoint PowerShell and execute the following lines: ...