Navigating the colors of the web.

The colors of the world arround us, counts millions but (unfortunatly) web browser doesn't (for obvious reasons) include all these colors. A collection of "Web secure" colors has been set in a system that enables the web designer to specify the colors used in the code in three ways. The web colors can be specified using RGB code, a Hex RGB format or (a few colors) using enlish color names. The most effective way to use the webcolors in your code (that is in my opinion), is to use CSS in combination with the HTML DOM structure.

Here is a simple example of CSS color use: 
<div style="color:blue;background-color:#F08080; height:25px;width:100%;">foo</div>
<div style="color:green;background-color:rgb (173,255,47);height:25px;width:100%;">bar</div>
<body> </html>

Below you can find the most common color codes.
Color name RGB code Color name RGB code Color name RGB code Color name RGB code
aqua#00FFFF green#008000 navy#000080 silver#C0C0C0
black#000000 gray#808080 olive#808000 teal#008080
blue#0000FF lime#00FF00 purple#800080 white#FFFFFF
fuchsia#FF00FF maroon#800000 red#FF0000 yellow#FFFF00

There is a collection of colors used on X-11 systems which most modern browsers. These are not "super" safe for web use. That means that there might browsers that cannot cope with the color codes. However that is in general browser written before 2005. So if your writing code for old systems make sure you test it for old browsers as well.

Below you'll find a table containing the colors and their codes.
HTML color name RGB code Hex RGB code
Red colors
IndianRedCD 5C 5C205 92 92
LightCoralF0 80 80240 128 128
SalmonFA 80 72250 128 114
DarkSalmonE9 96 7A233 150 122
LightSalmonFF A0 7A255 160 122
CrimsonDC 14 3C220 20 60
RedFF 00 00255 0 0
FireBrickB2 22 22178 34 34
DarkRed8B 00 00139 0 0
Pink colors
PinkFF C0 CB255 192 203
LightPinkFF B6 C1255 182 193
HotPinkFF 69 B4255 105 180
DeepPinkFF 14 93255 20 147
MediumVioletRedC7 15 85199 21 133
PaleVioletRedDB 70 93219 112 147
Orange colors
LightSalmonFF A0 7A255 160 122
CoralFF 7F 50255 127 80
TomatoFF 63 47255 99 71
OrangeRedFF 45 00255 69 0
DarkOrangeFF 8C 00255 140 0
OrangeFF A5 00255 165 0
Yellow colors
GoldFF D7 00255 215 0
YellowFF FF 00255 255 0
LightYellowFF FF E0255 255 224
LemonChiffonFF FA CD255 250 205
LightGoldenrodYellowFA FA D2250 250 210
PapayaWhipFF EF D5255 239 213
MoccasinFF E4 B5255 228 181
PeachPuffFF DA B9255 218 185
PaleGoldenrodEE E8 AA238 232 170
KhakiF0 E6 8C240 230 140
DarkKhakiBD B7 6B189 183 107
Purple colors
LavenderE6 E6 FA230 230 250
ThistleD8 BF D8216 191 216
PlumDD A0 DD221 160 221
VioletEE 82 EE238 130 238
OrchidDA 70 D6218 112 214
FuchsiaFF 00 FF255 0 255
MagentaFF 00 FF255 0 255
MediumOrchidBA 55 D3186 85 211
MediumPurple93 70 DB147 112 219
BlueViolet8A 2B E2138 43 226
DarkViolet94 00 D3148 0 211
DarkOrchid99 32 CC153 50 204
DarkMagenta8B 00 8B139 0 139
Purple80 00 80128 0 128
Indigo4B 00 8275 0 130
SlateBlue6A 5A CD106 90 205
DarkSlateBlue48 3D 8B72 61 139
MediumSlateBlue7B 68 EE123 104 238
HTML color nameRGB code Hex RGB code
Green colors
GreenYellowAD FF 2F173 255 47
Chartreuse7F FF 00127 255 0
LawnGreen7C FC 00124 252 0
Lime00 FF 000 255 0
LimeGreen32 CD 3250 205 50
PaleGreen98 FB 98152 251 152
LightGreen90 EE 90144 238 144
MediumSpringGreen00 FA 9A0 250 154
SpringGreen00 FF 7F0 255 127
MediumSeaGreen3C B3 7160 179 113
SeaGreen2E 8B 5746 139 87
ForestGreen22 8B 2234 139 34
Green00 80 000 128 0
DarkGreen00 64 000 100 0
YellowGreen9A CD 32154 205 50
OliveDrab6B 8E 23107 142 35
Olive80 80 00128 128 0
DarkOliveGreen55 6B 2F85 107 47
MediumAquamarine66 CD AA102 205 170
DarkSeaGreen8F BC 8F143 188 143
LightSeaGreen20 B2 AA32 178 170
DarkCyan00 8B 8B0 139 139
Teal00 80 800 128 128
Blue colors
Aqua00 FF FF0 255 255
Cyan00 FF FF0 255 255
LightCyanE0 FF FF224 255 255
PaleTurquoiseAF EE EE175 238 238
Aquamarine7F FF D4127 255 212
Turquoise40 E0 D064 224 208
MediumTurquoise48 D1 CC72 209 204
DarkTurquoise00 CE D10 206 209
CadetBlue5F 9E A095 158 160
SteelBlue46 82 B470 130 180
LightSteelBlueB0 C4 DE176 196 222
PowderBlueB0 E0 E6176 224 230
LightBlueAD D8 E6173 216 230
SkyBlue87 CE EB135 206 235
LightSkyBlue87 CE FA135 206 250
DeepSkyBlue00 BF FF0 191 255
DodgerBlue1E 90 FF30 144 255
CornflowerBlue64 95 ED100 149 237
MediumSlateBlue7B 68 EE123 104 238
RoyalBlue41 69 E165 105 225
Blue00 00 FF0 0 255
MediumBlue00 00 CD0 0 205
DarkBlue00 00 8B0 0 139
Navy00 00 800 0 128
MidnightBlue19 19 7025 25 112
HTML color nameRGB code Hex RGB code
Brown colors
CornsilkFF F8 DC255 248 220
BlanchedAlmondFF EB CD255 235 205
BisqueFF E4 C4255 228 196
NavajoWhiteFF DE AD255 222 173
WheatF5 DE B3245 222 179
BurlyWoodDE B8 87222 184 135
TanD2 B4 8C210 180 140
RosyBrownBC 8F 8F188 143 143
SandyBrownF4 A4 60244 164 96
GoldenrodDA A5 20218 165 32
DarkGoldenrodB8 86 0B184 134 11
PeruCD 85 3F205 133 63
ChocolateD2 69 1E210 105 30
SaddleBrown8B 45 13139 69 19
SiennaA0 52 2D160 82 45
BrownA5 2A 2A165 42 42
Maroon80 00 00128 0 0
White colors
WhiteFF FF FF255 255 255
SnowFF FA FA255 250 250
HoneydewF0 FF F0 240 255 240
MintCreamF5 FF FA245 255 250
AzureF0 FF FF240 255 255
AliceBlueF0 F8 FF240 248 255
GhostWhiteF8 F8 FF248 248 255
WhiteSmokeF5 F5 F5245 245 245
SeashellFF F5 EE255 245 238
BeigeF5 F5 DC245 245 220
OldLaceFD F5 E6253 245 230
FloralWhiteFF FA F0255 250 240
IvoryFF FF F0255 255 240
AntiqueWhiteFA EB D7250 235 215
LinenFA F0 E6250 240 230
LavenderBlushFF F0 F5255 240 245
MistyRoseFF E4 E1255 228 225
Grey colors
GainsboroDC DC DC220 220 220
LightGreyD3 D3 D3211 211 211
SilverC0 C0 C0192 192 192
DarkGrayA9 A9 A9169 169 169
Gray80 80 80128 128 128
DimGray69 69 69105 105 105
LightSlateGray77 88 99119 136 153
SlateGray70 80 90112 128 144
DarkSlateGray2F 4F 4F47 79 79
Black00 00 000 0 0

The complete set of web safe colors contains of 216 colors. In addition there is a set of shades for each color. The list below displays the colors and their respective codes.

Web-Safe Colors
*000* 300 600 900 C00 *F00*
*003* 303 603 903 C03 *F03*
006 306 606 906 C06 F06
009 309 609 909 C09 F09
00C 30C 60C 90C C0C F0C
*00F* 30F 60F 90F C0F *F0F*
030 330 630 930 C30 F30
033 333 633 933 C33 F33
036 336 636 936 C36 F36
039 339 639 939 C39 F39
03C 33C 63C 93C C3C F3C
03F 33F 63F 93F C3F F3F
060 360 660 960 C60 F60
063 363 663 963 C63 F63
066 366 666 966 C66 F66
069 369 669 969 C69 F69
06C 36C 66C 96C C6C F6C
06F 36F 66F 96F C6F F6F
090 390 690 990 C90 F90
093 393 693 993 C93 F93
096 396 696 996 C96 F96
099 399 699 999 C99 F99
09C 39C 69C 99C C9C F9C
09F 39F 69F 99F C9F F9F
0C0 3C0 6C0 9C0 CC0 FC0
0C3 3C3 6C3 9C3 CC3 FC3
0C6 3C6 6C6 9C6 CC6 FC6
0C9 3C9 6C9 9C9 CC9 FC9
*0F0* 3F0 *6F0* 9F0 CF0 *FF0*
0F3 *3F3* *6F3* 9F3 CF3 *FF3*
*0F6* *3F6* 6F6 9F6 *CF6* *FF6*
0F9 3F9 6F9 9F9 CF9 FF9
*0FF* *3FF* *6FF* 9FF CFF *FFF*

For this blogg entry I have used as source for the color tables.


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