Open termbased navigation links in new window in SharePoint 2013

Term based navigation has been greatly improved in SharePoint 2013, but sometimes you want to open navigation URLs in a new window. However, the term store does not offer such a property so we'll solve it using JavaScript instead.

In the masterpage element add this script:

script language="JavaScript"

// Adding an entry to _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames array so the function runs on pageLoad

function rewriteNavigationLinks() {
 // collecting anchors
 var anchorArray = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
 for (var x=0; x0) 
   oldUrl = anchorArray[x].outerHTML;
   // adding target attribute
   newUrl = oldUrl.replace(/#targetnewwindow/,'" target="_blank');
   anchorArray[x].outerHTML = newUrl;

Then in the term store append "#targetnewwindow" on the link to activate the specific link.



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