Folding map effect using Oridomi
Half gob smacked I’ll just throw out one more post today. I’ve discovered Oridomi today. In a matter of minutes, I was able to add a cool feature to my page. First, I added a static Google Map image to my page using the Google Map API for position and markers. var customShapes = []; <img src=",11.096837&zoom=15&size=600x400&markers=color:blue%7C59.273544,11.096837&maptype=hybrid" /> Then I put this image inside a div element that when executed folds the map up like a… yes, map ;) Check out the code… var customShapes = []; var oriDomi = new OriDomi('.myoridommi', { vPanels: 5, // number of panels when folding left or right (vertically oriented) hPanels: 3, // number of panels when folding top or bottom speed: 3200, // folding duration in ms ripple: 2, // backwards ripple effect when animating shadingIntesity: .5, // lessen th...