Resizing your canvas drawings properly using repaint

This post will be a short one attending a problem I briefly touched upon in my previous post on animation using canvas. We live in a "mobile first" world and need to pay attention to responsive designing.

Try as you might resizing your canvas using CSS you are in for a disappointing surprise. Especially if you are rendering text, it will look all chunky and broken. My solution to this problem is to calculate a factor value based on the window and canvas width. Using this value, I can multiply it with all xes and ys and lengths and widths and so on and keep the relative positions all these shapes have to each other.
var ic = window.innerWidth / (canvas.width * 1.2) > 1 ? 1 : window.innerWidth / (canvas.width * 1.2);
When adding objects I apply the factor to keep the relative positions.
var customShapes = [];

// Figures - Balls
customShapes.push({ x: ic * (canvas.width / 2 - 58),  minRadius: 0, maxRadius: ic * (3), y: ic * (canvas.height / 4 - 152), borderThickness: ic * (11), borderColor: ringBlue, color: ringBlue, runAnimation: !0, speed: 2.4 });
customShapes.push({ x: ic * (canvas.width / 2 - 117), minRadius: 0, maxRadius: ic * (3), y: ic * (canvas.height / 4 - 102), borderThickness: ic * (3),  borderColor: ringBlue, color: ringBlue, runAnimation: !0, speed: 3 });
customShapes.push({ x: ic * (canvas.width / 2 + 43),  minRadius: 0, maxRadius: ic * (3), y: ic * (canvas.height / 4 - 150), borderThickness: ic * (7),  borderColor: ringBlue, color: ringBlue, runAnimation: !0, speed: 1 });
Now, make sure to use the windows.resize event to kick off the rerendering of your canvas. The result is a world apart from the CSS approach.


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